If you need to strip paint, you have come to the right place. We know paint removal! Forget slow, expensive and dangerous heat guns and chemicals. AIT offers fast, ecologically safe paint stripping and removal tools that can be used by Professionals and Do-It-Yourselfers.
The Paintshaver® Pro is the fastest, cleanest, most economical tool for stripping all coatings (including lead paint) from clapboards, shingles, shakes, flat trim, any flat wood surface, concrete, steel and fiberglass surfaces. The Paintshaver® Pro has a built-in dust shroud that can be attached to a HEPA vacuum meeting EPA guidelines for lead paint removal. Click here for details and pricing on the Paintshaver® Pro

Paintshaver® Pro
There are several copy cat Paintshavers on the market. This is the original Paintshaver manufactured in the USA in our family run factory. No other tool compares. Scroll to the bottom of the page for pricing and videos.
Whether you’re a Professional or a Do-It-Yourselfer, the Paintshaver® Pro is the fastest, cleanest, most economical tool for stripping all coatings (including lead paint) from clapboards, shingles, shakes, flat trim, flat windows, flat doors and all other flat wood, concrete, steel and fiberglass surfaces.

Marineshaver™ Pro
The Marineshaver™ Pro strips gelcoat from fiberglass boats and paint from wooden boats at a rate of 1 square foot in 20 seconds.The ecologically safe Marineshaver™ Pro with dust-collector allows retrieval of the stripped debris into a vacuum.

GelPeel™ Pro
The New Gelpeel™ Pro can be used to strip gelcoat from fiberglass boats (for osmosis repair) and to remove layers of fiberglass for repairing sections of damaged boats.

Random Orbital SanderVac™ Pro
Our Orbital Sandervac™ Pro with dust shroud is the best tool for finishing wood surfaces after they have been stripped with the Paintshaver® Pro. It can also be used for feathering painted surfaces. The Orbital Sandervac™ Pro can be attached to a HEPA vacuum, is ecologically safe, and meets EPA guidelines for lead paint removal.

HEPA Vacuums
AIT Sells HEPA vacuums which can be attached to our Paintshaver® Pro, Orbital Sandervac™ Pro and Circular Sandervac™ making them safe for lead paint removal.
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